
Showing posts from December, 2024

End of Year Round-Up

 Hi all! Standard apology for not updating the blog in a while.  Here's some puzzles I've released in the meantime... On Christmas Day 2024, I did a twitch stream making a puzzle collaboratively with everyone who showed up to help... That was:  Skaldskaparmal, Taceo, RoboTwilight, Longyfan, Frisco.  Puzzle's here , and I think it's pretty neat, and it's themed on a Christmas Present I got this year. Also:  Jess Shulman and I made a puzzle called Loophole in the Wall Street Journal!  The Wall Street freakin' Journal!  Like where the Hex puzzles were!?  An unbelievable honor and I'm super stoked and I think the puzzle came out great and I hope you like it. Also:  The Browser released it's volume of The Browser Cryptic Crosswords 2023 , a bound version of the Browser's puzzles of that year, of which three were by me. Also:  In October I was in the Browser again, with Browser #194, edited as always by Dan Feyer. And that's it!  Big ne...