Treatise on Trickery
Happy Halloween! I'm happy to deliver a Halloween variety cryptic, called "Treatise on Trickery," made with the amazing Pixlate ! I hope you enjoy it! I've been doing a lot of themelesses lately so I might remind people that this is something diffrerent... this is a variety cryptic, meaning there's some shenanigans going on beyond just having to solve cryptic clues. In particular, this is the kind where you're not entirely sure going in what exactly all the rules are at the beginning, but it hopefully becomes clearer as the game goes on. This is my favorite kind of cryptic and Pix and I are really happy to share it with you. Happy Solving! Happy Halloween! Yay cryptics! Thanks a ton to Skaldskaparmal, joeadultman, dadgumituh and Jack H. Keynes for testing. Solve Online ipuz pdf solutions