Two big collabs for holidays

Today I'm sharing two puzzles both a little bit old, both made with a ton of people for a special occasion.

On Christmas day, 2023, I did a Twitch stream where I invited anyone interested to jump in and help make a cryptic, and it came out great!  Thanks to the colloborators: Danandbabka, DragonEngineer, EdBreadScissorsFriends, elderism, frisco17mashups, gordiantangle, JayForty, JMbrow29, joeadultman, longyfan, RoflIsALot, Roy Johnson, rubyyy_j, rubyyy_j, StephenSta192, Taceo, tui_bird, Warking14, and possibly others I missed.  And thanks to Joshsolves for testing it, live on stream.

There's two versions available... solve this one if you love variety nonsense and solve this one on MyCrossword if you only LIKE variety nonsense.


In January to celebrate the excellent streamer/setter/guy joeadultman's birthday I invited a top crew of amazing friends to help make a puzzle for him.  Thanks to collaborators: Deanne, Glentopher, Herzwesten, JM, juff, LM, Longyfan, ProbablyApocryphal, Pixlate, Skaldskaparmal, Tui. 

Be aware the puzzle was made for a very specific solver who isn't you (unless you're Joe?) so you might not be able to clock everything going on... don't feel bad if you need to reveal the last few answers to get the pop-up explainer which can fill in the gaps.  Here's the link!

Have fun solving (if you're into that sort of thing).


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